For all those who were awaiting the second part of my Cazzaro: Here you are!
If you want to reread the first part: The Cazzaro ... Part I !
I have to admit that mistakes are almost always the same .... verbs, conjunctions, and words of unknown meaning and existence!! So I was a little reluctant to publish something already written, but after the evening "Carnevalizia" made in Poggiomarino (Na), I decided to publish the new shocking result!
Here Cazzaro the new entry in my "office":
If you want to reread the first part: The Cazzaro ... Part I !
I have to admit that mistakes are almost always the same .... verbs, conjunctions, and words of unknown meaning and existence!! So I was a little reluctant to publish something already written, but after the evening "Carnevalizia" made in Poggiomarino (Na), I decided to publish the new shocking result!
Here Cazzaro the new entry in my "office":
- is an old practice ... . that the customer would not do anything + (the meaning is clear .... but with the Italian right there we are!)
- I need a quote with duration Clarima (here is not even clear the way!)
- contract to sign (...) is sign in the space for the distributor (cursed verbs! )
- net revenue of 22,164.89 duration is 120 months (nothing to do ...)
- wormwood (Perhaps intended to absinthe?? ... What has been drinking ... hihihi)
- is not we (I am sure it is a reinforcement!)
- Cancellations OF PRACTICE FOR THE INN SHOULD BE SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION LETTER SIGNED DLA CELINTRIGINALE (From investigations it turned out to be: the customer in the original!)
- I need day, month, have to make a correct estimate (these are always H muta!!!)
- se dovresti avere bisogno (... te lo dicessi!!!)
- l'analista mi ci chiede (... e tu rispondicivitisi!!!)
- giuseppe a riferito (qui l'acca è invisibile!!!)
- pratiche in stan bay (... se non conosci l'inglese, perchè non usi il termine italiano "sospeso"???)
- coordinarie della barcalis (traduzione: coordinate Barclays)
- barcleid (this even Barclays)
- Pray only accelerate this practice (... if you put all the L, I'll send a private jet!)
- are not feasible '
- intando (... but who is the Annunziata?)
- The Please send me an IMAIL (one language ... but at least you know it?)
- be delivered you immediately (... this is like speed up !!!!)
- the withdrawal must be made the day following the date that dell'Avis (Stamp on this cartonine warning recommended for the post office Pompei) We have a slide on:
tornando alla manifestazione in Piazza per il carnevale Poggiomarinese 2009, vi riporto un paio di quelle che io definisco "scioffole" della presentatrice ingaggiata per l'evento... A mio avviso parente del famosissimo Biscardi da cui ha ereditato la dizione!!!
Questi alcuni dei suoi tormentoni:
- Atmosfera Carnevalizia! (A dicembre parleremo quindi di atmosfera Natalesca!!!)
- Una "nuova New Entry" (nuovissima di zecca quindi????)
- Voi siete "Polentoni" perchè vi piace dormire! (ma i polentoni non erano i Milanesi?)
Sinceramente sono rimasta senza parole... anzi no, qualcosa l'ho detta: Ma chi ce put it on that stage??
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