Saturday, March 22, 2008

Qumili Per 8 Mars 2009

Vi presento WonderKiki!!!

Hi to all .. After several posts on more and less (more about less and less on more) I decided that maybe it's time to introduce WonderKiki ... WonderKiki true!

Yeah, I use this pseudonym years now born from my childhood passion for Wonder Woman and the nickname that now belongs to me for years: Kiki. Needless

be explain from which named Kiki, because my name is not linked directly with any, just know that the creator is my big sister, the mythical past few days that had the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200brenaming "SupaWondaSista"! !
Yes, I live with the terror of the next title!

course WonderKiki not born overnight without a reason, but it all started from this little monster (picture) which is now hooked to the rearview mirror of my car for years!

He did it for me and a friend of mine had the brilliant idea to put my initial on the chest (superhero-style) ... here is how does Wonderkiki!

So ... I present to officially WonderKiki!

Trivia: few days ago I find in this test network:

I say I will never be some kind of superhero? Obviously

proceed: Answer here, answer there, send and tadaaaaa Clik! Nooooo !!!!!

Wonderwoman!! Olèèèèè!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Gallblader More Condition_symptoms

Sesso libero nei parchi olandesi!!!

This morning I came across this article ... I could not post it! Buahahaha!

Adapted from

"Sex en plein air. A new Dutch law" authorizes full reports in public parks. "Openness shared , except that in those parks is "strictly forbidden - to protect children - smoking and bring dogs." In other words, that the smaller of the Netherlands are shocked when they see a person with a lighted cigarette or a dachshund on a leash, but remain indifferent to a couple mates on the bench.
News that the 24 hours following the dismissal, which occurred in London, a Polish workers' caught having sex with a vacuum cleaner ": not a standard appliance, but a model" anthropomorphic "called Henry, and that curiously, has a smiling face and a "nose" with extendible tube function. Desperate self-defense the hero of the extravagant affair, "Henry I was just drying underpants ...».
But nobody believed him. At this point the question arises spontaneous too permissive, the Netherlands, with its gardens red light or too severe Britain against the worker sexy-investigator? The debate is open. Remains the Dutch paradox, where the parks this summer will be open to multiple orgasms, but closed to tobacco and hairy quadrupeds, "Since July in Holland you can have sex in the parks free, without committing any crime." But, consumed the report, woe to bring out the classic post-coitus cigarette: you risk a fine salty. The regulation is clear: "Nestled in a public garden and indulge in free effusions, from petting to sexual intercourse, from now on will no longer be considered a punishable behavior. " As long as you adhere to them "apartments only from late afternoon onwards, put the blanket away from the play area for children to throw condoms in the bins." And the relaxing sigarettina post coitus? At home. Preferably in the bathroom. With the window open, if possible. "

And these are the reeds!

Olandaaaaaa I want to go!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Polycystic Ovary Disease More Condition_symptoms

Generazione X

I fished in my mail this e-mail sent to me by a 'a friend some time ago ... it is a bit antiquated, but for those who have not yet read: enjoy it all!

The purpose of this letter is to make justice a generation, those of us born at the turn of the 70 and 80 (or take a year less), those who see the house purchased by our parents, then apply now 20 or 30 times as much, and who will pay their own up to 50 years.

We did the war, nor have we seen landing on the moon, we have not lived the years of lead, or we voted on the referendum on abortion and our historical memory begins with the World Italia'90. For not directly experienced the '68 tell us that we do not have ideals, but we know about politics any more than they believe and know more than ever, our siblings and descendants.

Santa does not always brought us what we asked, but we are told, and still feel, we had it all, even those who came after us so that they had everything, and nobody tells them.
We are the last generation that has learned to play marbles, jump rope, play wolf, a one-two-three-star, while the first to play computer games, to be left to amusement parks or seeing the cartoon in color.

We wore bell-shaped trousers, a cigarette, a leg of the elephant and the crooked stitching, our first suit was blue with white stripes on the sleeves and our first sneaker brand le abbiamo avute dopo i 10 anni.
Andavamo a scuola quando il 31 ottobre era la vigilia dei Santi e non Halloween, quando ancora si veniva bocciati, siamo stati gli ultimi a fare la Maturità e i pionieri del 3+2.
Siamo stati etichettati come Generazione X e abbiamo dovuto sorbirci Sentieri e i Visitors, Twin Peaks e Beverly Hills (ti piacquero allora, vai a rivederli adesso, vedrai che delusione).
Abbiamo pianto per Candy- Candy, ci siamo innamorate dei fratelli di Georgie, abbiamo riso con Spank, ballato con Heather Parisi, cantato con Cristina D'Avena e imparato la mitologia greca con Pollon. Siamo una generazione che ha visto Maradona fare campagne contro la droga.
Siamo i primi ad essere entrati nel mondo del lavoro as Co.Co.Co. and those that did not cost anything to fire me.

always remind us of events that took place before we were born, as if we had not experienced any historical event. We have learned what is terrorism, we saw the fall of the Berlin Wall, and Clinton have improper relations with his secretary in the Oval Office, we were the youngest victims of Chernobyl, and those of our generation have made the war (Kosovo , Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.). we shouted NO NATO bases outside of Italy, not knowing very well what it meant, and then figure it out for a Sept. 11 coup.

We learned how to program a VCR before anyone else, we played a Pac-Man, odiamo Bill Gates e credevamo che internet sarebbe stato un mondo libero. Siamo la generazione di Bim Bum Bam, di Clementina-e-il-Piccolo-Mugnaio-Bianco del Drive-in. Siamo la generazione che andò al cinema a vedere i film di Bud Spencer e Terence Hill. Quelli cresciuti ascoltando gli Europe e Nik Kamen, e gli ultimi a usare dei gettoni del telefono.

Ci siamo emozionati con Superman, ET o Alla Ricerca dell'Arca Perduta. Bevevamo il Billy e mangiavamo le Big Bubble, ma neanche le Hubba Bubba erano male; al supermercato le cassiere ci davano le caramelline di zucchero come resto. Siamo la generazione di Crystal Ball ("con Crystal Ball ci puoi giocare"), delle sorprese del Mulino Bianco, dei mattoncini Lego a forma di mattoncino, Smurfs, the Voltrons, Magnum PI, Holly and Benji, Mimi Ayuara, the Incredible Hulk, Poochie, Yatterman, Rainbow Brite, He-Man, Urusei Yatsura, Creamy, Kiss Me Licia, the Barbapapa, the Mini-Pony, the Micro- Machine, Big Jim and the house of Barbie box but with the lift. The generation that still wonders if Mila Shiro and eventually go together. The generation that remembers World Italy '82, and that there is a muffled laughter when we want to give to drink that Italy is the favorite this year.

The last generation to see their father loaded the luggage rack of the machine beyond belief to go on holiday 15 days. The latest generation of drugs. Looking back it is difficult believe that we are still alive: journey by car without seat belts, no special seats and no air bags, travel 10-12 hours and did not suffer from tourist class syndrome. We did not have gates with guards, cabinets or medicine bottles with child resistant closures. We went by bicycle without a helmet or protection for the knees or elbows. The swings were iron with sharp edges and the play of penance was beastly There were no cell phones. We went to school full of books and notebooks, all stuffed into a folder that rarely had the padded shoulder straps, much less the wheels! We ate cakes and drank soft drinks, but we were not obese. At most one was fat and fine. We attach the same bottle for drinking e nessuno si è mai infettato. Ci trasmettevamo solo i pidocchi a scuola, cosa che le nostre madri sistemavamo lavandoci la testa con l'aceto.

Non avevamo Playstation, Nintendo 64, videogiochi, 99 canali televisivi, dolby- surround, cellulari, computer e Internet, però ce la spassavamo tirandoci gavettoni e rotolandoci per terra tirando su di tutto; bevevamo l'acqua direttamente dalle fontane dei parchi, acqua non imbottigliata, che bevono anche i cani!

E le ragazze si intortavano inseguendole per toccar loro il sedere e giocando al gioco della bottiglia o a quello della verità, non in una chat dicendo :) :D :P Abbiamo avuto libertà, fallimenti, successi e responsabilità e abbiamo imparato a crescere con tutto ciò. ............ sei uno di nostri?