Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shooting In Iceland Tomb Raider

Il Cazzario... Parte III

Arieccomi qua, un solo giorno mi separa dalle tanto attese ferie estive e non poteva mancare il terzo capitolo del mio cazzario, frutto a careful analysis of e-mail, conversations and communications in the office!

For those wishing to read the old chapters
Capotolo I
Chapter II

Assuming that by now I stopped to amaze me of all those blunders and often written by people who has a degree, a polite request (at the bottom there is someone who makes you laugh all), I continued my collection.

  1. Grace we can send release loan XXX? (First point I'm Grace, the second point, perhaps the customer wants the release?)
  2. For please send me to sign away privacy The Customer ? (What language is it?? OO)
  3. WITH THIS YOU Copy Enter transferable share of customer (sending a copy?)
  4. sale dell'quinto ( I had forgotten that the Q was the sixth vowel!)
  5. I wonder if this customer can 're-sale, any differential , it remains something that the customer can' cash (The differential? But we do not sell cars!)
  6. pravasy (called Annex statement also confirmed the same and which "privacy "!!!)
  7. There note that he had received communication from *** and that 'fallen insurance penetration. (Evidently have finally realized that with insurance costs make it to that customer service!)
  8. paper of intent (from the website of the Ministry of the Interior, the right menu. You can see it here )
  9. all'ufficio postale: "mi dovrebbe arrivare un pacco, però l'hanno spedito con posta proletaria " !!! (sarà un nuovo servizio molto efficiente!)
  10. praivasi (trattasi sempre di privacy!!!)
  11. Dialogo con un collega:
  • M: ma non funziona il pc?
  • Io (con l'intento di fare una battuta squallida): Se lo accendi si!
  • M: Ah, giusto!

  1. More dialogue between colleagues
  • A: I have a senior Ipost, how can we do?
  • M: facts give a paycheck ! (OO NB: M is the same as above!)
  1. We will do burgundy (obviously referring to the burgundy color!:-D)
  2. Please to note the following and Best regards. (To read it so nothing to say, the problem is that it was written at the close of e-mail and nothing happened ... I have to take note of what ????)
  3. One of the many email SPAM: "Remember the distance or the color of age matter but love matters a lot in life (beyond the fact that love is certainly a very alive, unless he has a pea stuck somewhere else, what is the color of age ????)
  4. Due to a technical problem this morning did not start the transfer of clearance, we intend to liquidate Domai (Domai?? We're good!)
  5. Dear colleagues, please note that our. office the day of the June 24, 2010 close at 16.00 for upgrading the skills of our. employees (hahahahahaha, who want to give it to drink?? game is Italy's 16!! hahahahahaha)
  2. I served as world ... (Obviously the need in international format buahuhauha)
  3. A una richiesta di preventivo, chiedo:

Mi comunicheresti la decorrenza delle due operazioni? A me risultano fatte entrambe nel 2008, confermi?

La risposta che ottengo è:

ciao allora la prt deve essere impostasta come rinegozioazione della delega di 260,00 e il prestito di 166,66 xke la seconda delega di 94 nn si puo toccare perche' ancora nn e passato il 40% del piano di ammortamento, significa fare un operazione di 18892,89 meno l estinzione lorda di 14996,00 dei 2 prestiti mensionati prima daremo netto al cliente 3896.89 abbinando 6 % di Provv x ,,,,,,, set me so I had the Case Study that nn c was assumed that the insurance prt ,,,,, if you have other questions let me know ,,,,,,
( I've got a question: have you studied the CEPU ?????)

  1. BUSINESS A request for a meeting you get the following response: "At this moment I find difficult, we have a lot of work and believe me I can not permit no less than 5 minutes. For me, you can also come tomorrow, but I would not seem inhospitable, we can meet in the office alle 9,15 pratici e succinti ?" (Succinti???? Aoh ma che c’ha in mente questa???)
  2. Questa è fresca fresca di giornata: “CON LA PRESENTE TI CHIEDO SE è PRONTA LA FATTURA PROFORMA ” (non il proforma di fattura!!!! :-D)
  3. Questa mi è stata raccontata, ma è troppo divertente:

Assistenza telefonica: l'operatore ascolta il problema del cliente e si accinge a dargli indicazioni su come risolverlo:

· Operatore: dunque, sul suo desktop c'è l'icona risorse del computer...

· Cliente: e lei come fa a saperlo???

Ora seguono una serie di cazzate dette da persone che non c’entrato nulla con il mio lavoro. Stavo scrivendo un cazzario apposito ma, per questioni che non sto qui a spiegare, il mio lavoro è stato interrotto per mancanza di contenuti…. Non starete pensando mica that these people have stopped saying shit?? It 'obvious that continue to say, but not in my presence!! :-D

  1. Lying on breeches (referring to the couch)
  2. Applause!
  3. the letter from the daughter that ends with "I'll be an angel" He says, "you angelic! Because you're female "
  4. Umbriaco (said by a drunk person from life!)
  5. Transplant reno (I wonder if the transplanted with all its tributaries!)
  6. intercourse the situation (in place of the complex)
  7. the Blacca (instead of plate)
  8. the hanger crystals (I finally realized what those two black rods on the windshield !!!!)

Cazzaro Obviously this could not be lacking that I write about a poster "Transfers of quonto " (instead of fifth, of course) and sending the print! Needless to justify the fact that this is a typo ("o" is near the "i" on your keyboard), I was terribly placed on the bulletin board Cazzaro office by my boss with a lot of arrows and my name written in characters headlines! As they say here in Naples "teasing those who rest sfuttut" :-(