Friday, September 26, 2008

Staph Infections More Condition_symptoms

25 ottobre: Giornata dello sbattezzo!!!

"His subjects, as baptized." With these words, October 25, 1958, the Court of Appeal acquitted the Bishop of Florence, Prato , who had publicly disparaged two young, recently married civilly.

On October 25, 2008, fifty years later, the UAAR organizes a Day of sbattezzo. 'Sbattezzo' means cancellation of the civil effects of baptism, which is the basic right established by a decision of the Authority for the privacy of no longer being considered by the state as "subjects" of the Church, "obedient" and "subservient" to the hierarchies Church.
The reasons to leave the Catholic Church may be a number consistent with their principles, why protest discrimination as gays, women or researchers claim their own identity as an atheist or agnostic. Or simply intellectual honesty to say "there are more than yours." The
UAAR not organize Controra vindictive, but invites those who are no longer Catholics to exercise this right: we know that already thousands of people have done, but we believe that if those who have not yet formally abandoned the Catholic Church will do so on one occasion, the impact of their decision will surely be amplified.
For this reason, the UAAR invites all interested parties to contact our clubs and our contacts , October 25, 2008 that will send the recommendations of "sbattezzo" collections.

The day of the club sbattezzo UAAR Bologna

The day of the club sbattezzo UAAR Cagliari

La giornata dello sbattezzo del circolo UAAR di Milano

La giornata dello sbattezzo del circolo UAAR di Napoli

La giornata dello sbattezzo del circolo UAAR di Padova

La giornata dello sbattezzo del circolo UAAR di Roma

La giornata dello sbattezzo del circolo UAAR di Torino

La giornata dello sbattezzo del circolo UAAR di Treviso

Qualora nella vostra provincia non vi sia ancora una presenza organizzata UAAR (o per ragioni tecniche risulti impossibile organizzare un’iniziativa comune) vi chiediamo comunque di inviare la vostra richiesta di sbattezzo sabato 25 ottobre, comunicando per tempo la vostra decisione alla e-mail (valida anche per chiedere eventuali chiarimenti sui casi controversi): senza esplicita comunicazione non sarete conteggiati nel numero ufficiale di sbattezzandi. Ogni informazione in possesso dell’UAAR sarĂ  ovviamente gestita in maniera assolutamente anonima e confidenziale.

Il comunicato stampa

Il gruppo su Facebook

Le istruzioni ’standard’ per lo sbattezzo

sbattezzo The day will be presented to the press and public Friday, Oct. 24, at 18, at the Libreria Bibli (via the bluegrass 28, Trastevere, Rome). On that occasion, will also premiere the book exit from the herd. Stories of conversions, baptisms, and apostasy sbattezzi , written by Raffaele Carcano (Secretary UAAR) and Adele Orioli (head of legal initiatives UAAR).