I discovered how strange the human being ...
as he loves to complain all the time and just look what others have, without doing anything to improve their situation.
's strange that always strive to speak again, but it really does not choose anything innovative ...
's strange that when this is the last mobile phone model would sell his mother to buy it, but when in game there are a lot of human resources from the formal change.
The human being tends to turn on the bright side the vase chipped without thinking that perhaps it would be better replace it to add value to your home.
The human being can give more good advice, but it is always the last to follow ... Sa criticize the choices of others and act in the same way.
The human being, when playing cards, if you have a wild card shows him to show he has a trump card, but do not think you can win without it.
The human being tends to return to the old when the new is not good, and does not think that perhaps something new would be better!
... The human being has gone to the polls on Sunday and Monday ... No Comment!