(ANSA) - ROMA, 18 FEB - 'Una sola rete per Mediaset'. Lo assicura Antonio Di Pietro sul suo blog parlando della 'proposta di programma di governo' dell'Idv. Si tratta di un 'intervento radicale' sull'informazione in quattro punti: il primo, una sola tv pubblica senza pubblicita', pagata dal canone e sottratta all'influenza dei partiti; il secondo, l'esecuzione della sentenza europea su Europa 7 e lo spostamento di Rete 4 sul satellite. E infine, limite di una single network for individuals (such as Mediaset).
This is yesterday's news Blog Di Pietro ... agree, so I will not even watch TV!
One moment: I do not look! But the tv is ... and there are those who look ... and if anything I could think of to turn it on? What I find myself on the other side?? Where now, from time to time, including a program of the De Filippi and an episode of Big Brother, escapes even an old western or the usual filmettino love (because the nets of the same owner can not compete with each other! !) what we will end up? Nothing ... competition will be so fierce among the networks, we have only super-major programs by audience (because that is what counts) ... and what makes audience?? But obviously, it's voyeurism, gossip, empathize with the problems of others because our not enough for us or maybe because we need to forget about thinking that others are worse ... without thinking that in reality it's all a farce!
And then we will get a concentration of garbage on television, more than it already is, garbage that is not to Naples, but that of the average Italian citizen: that the fight against the landfill, but also against incinerators ... that maybe wants to separate into always on time but the wrong basket in which to throw the waste ... or what not to do two more steps to the trash drop it on the ground.
The citizen who now knows who will not vote, but on time next year will be wrong again to put the damn cross and stand there and say, "but who voted this? I certainly do not "!
And I wonder why nobody ever vote, but our employees are on time there eating our savings, to get the ad personam laws, to fly military aircraft to the next race, while there are Italian soldiers who die abroad in the name of yet another peace mission!
But what do we know?? I only know that I feel very bitter, disappointed, discouraged ...
Di Pietro speaks to cut television networks and I guess my father already in crisis who wanders around the house with bags and dark circles ... because he looks all the news, for the simple reason that all must hear the bells. I imagine it to register all the news constantly, and about to pass the time, why only now has become a habit to watch them all ... because now no one tells you the truth ... more least of all journalists!
But what do we know?? I only know that I would disappear ... I do not know where!